Connecting The Commons

The goal of the project is to explore the importance of the “commons movement” for the future of Thailand (and in a later stage: SE Asia); and how “commons” can be strengthened as social innovators.

Heinrich Böll Foundation SEA Office engages Civil Society Organisations (CSO’s), academics, media, decision makers and their networks in public gender-sensitive debates about lifestyles, socio-economic and ecological transformation in relation to the ASEAN integration.

The purpose of the CTC project is to contribute to this public engagement and debate intimated by Heinrich Böll Foundation.


Commonning Towards a Better Future​


Cornerstone Partners

INI Innovation Network International

Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute

School for Wellbeing Studies and Research

Towards Organic Asia / Young Organic Farmers Mekong region(TOA/YOF

Right Livelihood College

With support from: Heinrich Böll Foundation Southeast Asia